Bailey my first born Reimaginary Friend
Bailey was a happy accident. I had been dating a very powerful Newspaper Territorial Sales Director who ran two large publications in Philadelphia. He was going through a serious illness, that required a kidney transplant. During this time, he was very nerveous that due his age and not fully understanding the organ donor programs that diyalasis might be his only future. In a couple months we were able to find a excellent program and in three more months he was getting donors and soon prepped for the transplant surgery.
I'm sure you're thinking what the hell does this have to do with a dog?? Sit tight here it comes.
Once the confirmation of the surgery was in place I asked David "what can I make you?" Hospitals are so cold and clinical. He chimed enthuasticially "a blue dog!" " A what?" He was very supportive of my career and had spent alot of time in my studio while creating various "upcycled" product lines. "You can make anything why not a blue dog?" He sassily replied. "I never made a stuffed animal in my life!" "Better get to it...in two weeks I'm scheduled for the transplant and I want to come out of surgery with a loyal buddy waiting for me!"
So, how could I refuse? So, that is how Bailey was developed. That wasn't the end of the story...When I brought Bailey into David's hospital room the Surgeon and attending Critcal Care Nurse and another Nurse were by his bedside checking vitals. David was so excited to see me and the box containing Bailey..."You did it!!"
So as he opened the box and excitedly called the dog Bailey. Then what was the biggest surprise was the Surgeon ordered two, the Critcal Care Nurse wanted one and a monkey. And the other Nurse went downstairs to ask the gift shop buyer to come upstairs!! And that was the beginning of Reimaginary Friends.